What is speculative fiction? Where did Jeff come up with the name “Marcher Lord Press” for his publishing company? What makes his publishing model different than other companies out there? Find out the answers to these questions and more in this video interview.
I am looking for the website Where The Map Ends, as it contained the best advice on writing a synopsis I have ever found. The site is unavailable however, I have been looking for it and found that Jeff Gerke is/was the author of the site.
Is there any way of contacting Jeff and/or finding the synopsis advice again? It is brilliant.
Hi, Lily. WhereTheMapEnds.com should be up and running again soon. We’ve just changed Internet hosting companies for that site (plus this one, plus JeffersonScott.com), and apparently all our virtual ducks aren’t in a row just yet. But that should be fixed in a day or so.
In the meantime, I’d like to give you (and anyone else who sees this note) a free month to FictionAcademy.com, which is the wing of BestsellerSociety.com that I run. It’s online training featuring professionally recorded videos of me teaching pretty much everything I know about how to write great fiction. Go to either site and subscribe using jeffgerke as the coupon code. That will get you a free month of not only FictionAcademy but all of The Bestseller Society, which also includes NonfictionAcademy and MarketingAcademy. Hope you love it!
Thank you Jeff, how generous 🙂
Thank you Jeff, how generous 🙂
Lily, the site was in the process of a host transfer, and that took it down for a day or two during the transfer. It’s up and working again at full-speed. Feel free to head over there and check it out again. Thanks for your patience.
Lily, the site was in the process of a host transfer, and that took it down for a day or two during the transfer. It’s up and working again at full-speed. Feel free to head over there and check it out again. Thanks for your patience.