I began writing about six years ago. Little did I know the steep learning curve that came with that particular “hobby” or the things God would teach me through the process. At first I wrote scenes that came to me. I fiddled around with plots, never quite knowing where I was going. As I wrote, life continued to roll by. God move my family a couple times. I had a daughter, then along came the twins. When the twins arrived, I put writing away. My days were consumed with diaper changing, feeding children, and keeping the house from burning down …
God and the Writer
God. Just that one word calms me, reminds me why I write, and that He is in control, even when everything is spinning the other way. When I worry about what others will think of my book, I remember I am writing for an audience of One. When I worry about juggling work, family, and writing, I remember how many times I have placed my work in His hands and that He has always provided time for me to write without neglecting family or job. Lately, I have found myself praying to God more about my writing. I now have …
How did I become a writer?
Hi, this is Morgan L. Busse again. The next two weeks I will be sharing how I became a writer and part of Marcher Lord Press. This post I published in early 2011, before I got “the call.” How did I become a writer? Most authors I know begin their story with something about when they were six they knew they wanted to be a writer. Not so with me. When I was six I wanted to be a pegasus unicorn (probably explains why I write fantasy now). I never dreamed of being a writer. In high school, I loved …