Photo credit: EAH Creative. We were thrilled to have so many Enclave authors, editors, designers, and Oasis Family Media crew attend Realm Makers 2023. We took a brief moment to connect in the midst of the marvelous conference for our annual dinner and group photo! It was wonderful to meet all of you who attended—fellow creatives, fans, and friends. We are so grateful for the time we got to spend meeting and fellowshipping with you, however short. Thank you to Scott & Becky Minor and the Realm Makers staff for making this all possible! Can you name every author, editor, …
Gift Giving Guide for the Sci-Fi and Fantasy Reader in Your Life
Books make the best Christmas gifts. Unwrapping a book is like having a magical journey dropped in your lap. Once you crack open the pages, you know you will meet people you will never forget, experience heart-pounding adventures, and visit places that are wilder than your wildest dreams. Giving just the right book to just the right reader makes the experience truly magical. So, we decided to help you out with this Gift Giving Guide! For the Jedis, Starfleet Cadets, and Brown Coats in the Crowd Whether you’re a fan of the original Star Wars trilogy or have become …
Gift Giving Guide for the Sci-Fi and Fantasy Reader in Your LifeRead More
Video interview with Steve Laube about Enclave
New video interview with Steve Laube on speculative fiction and Enclave. Interview by Storymen.